Visit "Administrator - Settings - Settings" to customize your script configuration settings.

General Settings.

The "Website Name" setting is used for the og:site_name meta property.

Set the "Default Timezone" to use for visitors without an account.

Use the "Custom Header Javascript" setting for the Google Analytics code, Google verification code or any other HTML or JavaScript code to appear in the <head> section of your website.

Set the "reCaptcha Settings" keys to secure your public forms with the Google reCaptcha. You can issue your reCaptcha v2 domain keys at


Enable the "Approve New Account" option to moderate all new user submissions on your website.

The "Enable Email Verification" option requires the user to activate their account by visiting an URL sent to their email address.

You can set the "Default Group" for all new registrations.

To activate the "Facebook Login Settings" option, please, contact support.


Set the "Currency Code" in ISO 4217 format with the appropriate "Currency Sign" to use for all price fields on the website, including products, pricing levels and listing invoices.

Use the "Inclusive" tax type if you want the tax amount to be included into the total amount. E.g.: if the product price is $50 and the inclusive tax is 20%, the invoice total will be $50 and the tax of $10 will be deducted from the product price.

If the "Exclusive" tax type is used the tax amount is added to the subtotal. For example, if your product price is $50 and the tax value is 20% the total will be $60 because we add the tax amount of $10 to the product price.

The "Invoice Company Details" and "Invoice Product Name" values are used for the invoice generated by the script.

Please note that the mis-configuration of any of the "Advanced" options may cause the billing system malfunction, please update with care.

The "Invoice Creation (days)" option is used to set the number of days before the listing expiration date to create a new invoice for the next billing cycle. This setting must be less than the product cycle duration in days. We recommend to keep this setting as is.

The "Overdue Suspend (days)" is a number of days after which to flag the overdue listing as "Suspended".

"First Invoice Reminder (days)", "Second Invoice Reminder (days)" and "Third Invoice Reminder (days)" is a number of days after the invoice creation to send the unpaid invoice reminder email. Set to 0 to disable.


Set default "Email" and "Name" to use as a sender for every script-generated email. Alter the SMTP host, port, username, password and encryption method settings and click the "Test" button to test the update.

The "Queue Rate" setting limits the number of script generated emails to send via the system scheduled task per minute.


Set the default "Maps Provider" to use. Note that OpenStreetMap does not require an API key.

This is also possible to set the default map coordinates and zoom level for the map picker field.


Security keys are used to encode the user session data. We recommend to refresh the "Encryption Key" and the "Authentication Key" settings right after the installation.


Add "Banned Words" one per line to be rejected by the "Banned Words" form validator.

To disable account access by an IP address, add those addresses into the "Banned IP Addresses" field, one per line. This setting supports IPV4. Wildcards are allowed, e.g.: 192.168.* or 192.168.1.*