phpListings supports an unlimited number of levels of sub-locations. Each location may include location name, summary, description, geolocation data, logo and header images, meta tag values.

The same set of locations is shared by the user facility and all listing types that have location support enabled.

Locations can be managed under "Administrator - Locations".

Four placement options are available for a new or existing location:

"New Location" will add a new root location or move an existing location to the root.

"Sub-location Of" will make a new or existing location a child of the selected location.

"Before" will make a new or existing location appear before the selected location.

"After" will make a new or existing location appear after the selected location.

When editing a location you can skip the "Placement" setting to keep the location position unchanged.

Only final locations not assigned to a listing or user can be deleted.

Multiple locations can be imported similar to categories.

Geolocation Data.

You can set the geographic location coordinates on the map including the desired map zoom level when adding or editing a location. This feature is used by the "Map Picker" field for the map to reposition automatically when selecing locations in the cascading dropdown.