
Brand > Model for auto classifieds possible?

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Brand > Model for auto classifieds possible?
by roger w
3 years ago

roger w

License Owner


I am looking to use the software for the auto classifieds website. When adding a car listing there should be a prefilled brand name and when brand is selected a model field comes out with the models of the selected brand. For example if you select Mercedes Benz as a brand a list of all models of Mercedes Benz comes out in the second field. Is your software flexible enough to allow this?

Re: Brand > Model for auto classifieds possible?
by Nicholas
3 years ago


Support Dept.

Hello Roger and welcome to the community!

You can achieve the Brand-Model relation by using categories to store this information. This way you can use listing types as main categories - vehicle types, e.g trucks, cars, boats etc and use categories of each listing type to store linked brands and models. Moreover you can use different custom fields for each listing type that allows you to store unique vehicle related information per type so boats and trucks will have different fields.

We can help setting this up for you, please create a support ticket with your detailed request.

Thank you.

Re: Brand > Model for auto classifieds possible?
by roger w
3 years ago

roger w

License Owner

Your quick response is much appreciated. I have created a ticket with more questions.

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