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by silvio4032
1 month ago



I have client who want some features. He not want public to add car listing, only admin and staff can add car listing. On the car listing, he only need ‘further enquiry’ button, no direct sale. He will work as agency. Can your theme allow these changes?

Re: Questions
by Nicholas
1 month ago


Support Dept.


thank you for your inquiry!

phpListings allows you to disable listing submissions for certain types or pricing plans, so only administrators can add and modify listings. If a listing is added by an administrator, and it's tied to their account, the administrator will receive an email notification and a new message in their phpListings on-site messaging system when a visitor contacts them using the 'Send Message' button on the listing page. So, what you're asking for is possible with phpListings.

Please note that phpListings is not a WordPress theme, but a standalone web software with its own framework. It doesn't rely on WordPress plugins or addons, and all the features shown on the demo website are included in the license price.

Thank you.

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